Nudes (Nonda, solo exhibition at Parnassos)

Category: Visual Arts > Solo exhibition

Artist:Nonda (Epaminondas Papadopoulos)

Censorship incidents

May 1952
Parnassos gallery forces Nonda to cover his nude paintings
Reason:Morality | Obscenity | Insult to public morals
Type of censorship:Repressive censorship


On 9 May 1952, a young painter exhibited a series of works, including two groups of nudes, at the art gallery of the Parnassos Literary Society in the centre of Athens. About ten days before it closed its doors, a letter from the artist appeared to the Greek Press, in which he complained that the Parnassos management had forced him to cover the nudes ‘under threat of expulsion’. He had complied in an inventive way, pinning (real) fig leaves onto the offending areas and adding signs informing the public that they had been attached by order of the Parnassos management. The painter, Epaminondas Papadopoulos, or Nonda as he had been known, claimed that he was asked ‘to take his works and leave’, and it was only after the intervention of Professor Vikatos of the Athens School of Fine Arts that the compromise of covering the problematic areas was found. In some of the paintings, which were too large for a fig leaf to cope with, the offending areas were covered with pieces of black cloth.

Penelope Petsini

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Sources – Bibliography

  • Ta Nea, 20/05/1952, 22/05/1952.
  • Phileleftheros, 20/05/1952.
  • Allagi, 21/05/1952.
