THE SAINT OF PREVEZA (Dimitris Kollatos, 1982)

Category: Cinema > Films

Original title:Ο ΑΓΙΟΣ ΠΡΕΒΕΖΗΣ
Director:Dimitris Kollatos
Release date:1982

Censorship incidents

Rejection of the screenplay of the film THE SAINT OF PREVEZA (Dimitris Kollatos, 1982)
Reason:Morality | Obscenity | Religion | Defamation of the Orthodox Church
Type of censorship:Rejection | Screenplay censorship | Institutional censorship | Preemptive censorship
Confiscation of film copies, apprehension and prosecution of the cast and crew of the film THE SAINT OF PREVEZA (Dimitris Kollatos, 1982)
Reason:Morality | Obscenity | Religion | Defamation of the Orthodox Church
Type of censorship:Confiscation | Apprehension | Prosecution | Institutional censorship | Repressive censorship


Based on journalistic discoveries about economic and sexual scandals concerning the Bishop of Nikopolis and Preveza, Stylianos Kornaros, author and director Dimitris Kollatos staged a relevant play in 1980. Soon after, Archbishop Seraphim and the Bishop of Almyros and Dimitriada Christodoulos –later to become Archbishop himself– sued Kollatos, achieving the ban of the play. Despite the General Secretariat of Press and Information having forbidden him to adapt the play by not granting him a permit for his screenplay, Kollatos directed the film THE SAINT OF PREVEZA in 1982, and was prosecuted again, along with the producer, the cast and crew of the film, on the grounds of “outraging public decency”. Moreover, as a result of the conviction, film copies were confiscated and projection technicians were apprehended by the police.

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Sources – Bibliography

  • Ορσαλία-Ελένη Κασσαβέτη, «Άγιος Πρεβέζης», in P. Petsini and D. Christopoulos (eds.), Dictionary of Censorship in Greece: Cachectic democracy - dictatorship - metapolitefsi, Athens: Kastaniotis 2018, pp. 301-303.
