THE TRIAL OF THE JUNTA (Theodosis Theodosopoulos, 1981)

Category: Cinema > Films

Original title:Η ΔΙΚΗ ΤΗΣ ΧΟΥΝΤΑΣ
Director:Theodosis Theodosopoulos
Release date:1981
Country of origin:Greece

Censorship incidents

Ban on the film THE TRIAL OF THE JUNTA (Theodosis Theodosopoulos, 1981)
Reason:Politics | Stirring of political passions | Anticommunism
Type of censorship:Ban | Institutional censorship | Preemptive censorship


In early 1981, the First-degree censorship committee banned the screening of the documentary THE TRIAL OF THE JUNTA, directed by Theodosis Theodosopoulos. The committee’s argument was that the documentary concerned not only the period of the military dictatorship (1967-1974), but it “goes back over the past and it stirs political passions”, which can “cause a disturbance of public order”.

For full text and advanced filtering options check the relevant article in Greek.

Sources – Bibliography

  • Γιώργος Ανδρίτσος, «Η Δίκη της Χούντας» in P. Petsini and D. Christopoulos (eds.) Dictionary of Censorship in Greece: Cachectic democracy - dictatorship - metapolitefsi, Athens: Kastaniotis 2018.
  • Kathimerini, 9/4/1981.
  • Rizospastis, 20-21/6/1981.
  • Kinimatografika Tetradia, issue 2-3 (July-September 1981).

CIVIL Publications

  • Petsini P., “From the Cooling of Political Passions to Right-Wing Culture: Battles of memory and political censorship in the post-dictatorship period”, Archeiotaxio 22 (November 2020).
