Category: Cinema > Films

Director:Martin Scorsese
Release date:1988
Country of origin:USA | Canada
Genre:Drama | Religious

Censorship incidents

October 1988
Protests and riots in order to prevent the screening of THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST (Martin Scorsese, 1988)
Reason:Religion | Blasphemy
Type of censorship:Repressive censorship | Unofficial censorship
October 1988
Confiscation and banning of THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST (Martin Scorsese, 1988) by the Athens Court of First Instance following an appeal by Christian associations
Reason:Religion | Blasphemy
Type of censorship:Repressive censorship | Institutional censorship | Criminal prosecution | Confiscation | Ban


The American movie THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, based on the eponymous novel by Nikos Kazantzakis (1952) and directed by Martin Scorsese, came out in Greek cinemas in 1988. The movie had already sparked protests and violent reactions from Christian circles worldwide, constituting a typical “blasphemy scandal”. In Greece, fierce protests were initially voiced by authorities of the Orthodox Church. The Holy Synod issued a directive that denounced the “sacrilege”. Archbishop Serafeim demanded the government bans the movie. Demonstrations and riots followed, organized by Christian groups with the participation of priests and with the intent to prevent the film from being screened. On October 13th 1988, raging Christians destroyed the screen and the seats of cinemas in central Athens and clashed with the police. Later, following an appeal of Christian citizens, the First Instance Court of Athens banned any further import of the film and ordered its seizure, considering that it committed “malevolent blasphemy” whereas “it insulted the character of Christians”. According to the ruling, “religion constitutes the foundation of the state” and merits special protections. Cinema owners and movie dealers did not appeal the decision, which appears to be still in effect, despite the movie being later available on DVD and currently online.

Penelope Petsini

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Sources – Bibliography

  • I Avgi, 15/10/1988, 23/10/1988.
  • Dimitri Dimoulis, “The Last Temptation” in P. Petsini and D. Christopoulos (eds.) Dictionary of Censorship in Greece: Cachectic democracy - dictatorship - metapolitefsi, Athens: Kastaniotis 2018, pp. 345-348.
  • I Efimerida ton syntakton, 28/4/2013.
  • Kathimerini, 15/10/1988, 16/11/1988, 26/11/1988.
  • First Instance Court of Athens 17115/1988, legal comment by George Kaminis, Applications of Public Law 2, 1989: 216-235.
  • Ta Nea, 14/10/1988.
