Katosentono (Kleanthis)

Category: Visual Arts > Public space

Artist:Kleanthis (Kleanthis Hadjinikos)
Place:Central square, Larissa

Censorship incidents

Arrest of the painter Kleanthis (Kleanthis Hadjinikos)
Reason:Morality | Obscenity | Insult to public morals | Nudity
Type of censorship:Arrest | Repressive censorship | Institutional censorship
The painter Kleanthis (Kleanthis Hadjinikos) is sentenced to three months in prison
Reason:Morality | Obscenity | Insult to public morals | Nudity
Type of censorship:Persecution | Repressive censorship | Institutional censorship
Destruction of the painting “Katosentono” by Kleanthis (Kleanthis Hadjinikos) after he is found guilty
Reason:Morality | Obscenity | Insult to public morals | Nudity
Type of censorship:Destruction | Repressive censorship | Institutional censorship


In 1986, the artist Kleanthis Hadjinikos decided to exhibit his painted nude groups in the central square of his native city, Larissa, when he was refused permission to exhibit them in the Municipal Gallery. Some citizens, annoyed by publicly displayed nudity, went to court and filed a complaint. As a result, the painter was arrested and his work was confiscated. To everyone’s surprise, despite the support of experts, Kleanthis was eventually found guilty and one of his works was confiscated and destroyed by order of Supreme Court.

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Sources – Bibliography

  • Eleftheria (Larissa), 29/3/1987.
  • Kathimerini, 25/10/1988.
  • Ta Nea, 3/4/1987, 25/10/1988.
  • Yannis Ziogas, “Acts of Visual Censorship”, in D. Christopoulos, L. Karabinis, Y. Stavrakakis, Y. Ziogas (eds.), Aspects of Censorship in Greece, Athens: Nefeli 2007.
  • John Stathatos, “Katosentono” in P. Petsini and D. Christopoulos, Dictionary of Censorship in Greece: Cachectic democracy - dictatorship - metapolitefsi, Athens: Kastaniotis 2018.